10 Easy & Practical Ways to Save Money in the 21st Century

2) Pack your lunch.

A lot of us cringe when think about packing a lunch because we imagine a Spiderman lunch box with a PB&J, an apple, a bag of Cheetos, and a chocolate milk. However, a little preparation and a little creativity can allow you to bring delicious, nutritious lunches to the office with you everyday (and save big bucks).  Even fast food can be $5-$10. With delivery fees and tips, many Americans are spending anywhere from $5 to $20 A DAY on lunch.

Meanwhile, you could spend $20 or so on groceries and have lunch for two weeks. The true cost depends on your taste. Alternatively, you could pack leftovers after a particularly hefty dinner. Websites like Youtube and Pinterest are crawling with inspiration. The cost of eating out for lunch in one week: Plus or minus $5o! The cost of packing your lunch for one week: plus or minus $20! What would you do with an extra $12o a month?

P.S. Don’t let the haters stop you from carrying the Spiderman lunchbox of your dreams.


About Cassie Root 3 Articles
Cassie is a college student, talented writer, and the wife of a United States Marine — all of which coalesce to make her a valued member of the team at Circa Deum.