10 Easy & Practical Ways to Save Money in the 21st Century

save money saving money

You know that feeling when you look at your account balance and consider selling a kidney? Hold off on removing your internal organs and try some of these tips to save money:

1) Brew your own coffee. 

I know that if I get a coffee from the little shop on the same block as my workplace, it will cost me $3.21. If I work five days a week and get a “Rocket Fuel” each morning, I will spend $16.05 by the end of the week and a whopping $64.20 a month. Instead, I brew my own coffee in the morning before work and spend a lot less. Let’s say you buy a value size tub of coffee grounds for $10 and it lasts you 3 months. Perhaps you also buy a bottle of creamer for $3 that last you two weeks. You are now spending around $10 a month versus $65 for coffee. What would that extra $55 mean to you?


About Cassie Root 3 Articles
Cassie is a college student, talented writer, and the wife of a United States Marine — all of which coalesce to make her a valued member of the team at Circa Deum.