5 Ways To Be Christian, Political, and Not an Idiot on Facebook

idiot facebook

Every election cycle I am frustrated by three things: Candidates lying, political commercials ruining YouTube, and my Facebook friends looking like idiots.  It is especially bothersome when I see people who love Jesus drive a wedge between them and their friends.  Our first calling is to honor Christ.  Some believe this requires us to be apolitical.  Political abstinence isn’t the only solution, however, but for Christians to honor Christ first and still be political, step one requires us not to be an idiot!  Here are some filters to run your meme or political comment through before you throw it up on Facebook:



About Kris Browning 6 Articles
Kris is a valued contributor to the publication. His thoughtful insight into the logic of human jurisdictional systems provides a focused clarity for understanding the events impacting our world. Kris is an ordained pastor currently finishing up his Ph.D in Organizational Leadership.