7 Things Your Pastor Wishes You Knew

3) We are seriously concerned about our families.  

Lifeway also offered a slew of statistics regarding pastors and their families: 21% of pastors admitted that their families resent the demands of pastoral ministry (which seemed like a very low percentage based on my experience), while 94% said they have to consistently protect their time with family.  53% of pastors are concerned about the financial security of their family, and 35% note that ministry demands keep them from spending time with their family.  34% of pastors reported that their family was the primary reason for leaving their previous church.  Consider giving your pastor the opportunity to spend family time away from the church, or even offer to watch the kids to provide for a fun date night for the pastor and spouse to reconnect.


About Kris Browning 6 Articles
Kris is a valued contributor to the publication. His thoughtful insight into the logic of human jurisdictional systems provides a focused clarity for understanding the events impacting our world. Kris is an ordained pastor currently finishing up his Ph.D in Organizational Leadership.