5. Be bold.
Do crazy things. The earliest Christians weren’t afraid of anything. They boldly expressed their love for Christ and they got insane results! Here’s how you can be bold:
- Give up something so that someone else can have it (like giving someone a seat on a bus or plane).
- Forgive when everyone expects you to hold a grudge.
- Stay calm when the situation should anger you.
- Talk about Jesus when everyone else is afraid to.
- Be who God called you to be even when that person is challenging to become.
God’s word about boldness:
The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. ~Proverbs 28:1
In the past two years God has challenged me in ways I never imagined. He had me marry a Marine. Then he asked me to transfer schools. Next, he had me change degree programs. Now, he’s having me move across the ocean! My life is not what I pictured it would be! However, at every twist and turn I’ve had the opportunity to share my faith to someone I never would have met otherwise. These suggestions are not all easy. They require boldness and sacrifice. However, God is with you every step of the way. Be bold. We serve a bold God.