The united states of America have a dynamic new president-elect in the person of Donald J. Trump — a somewhat divisive figure on many issues to be sure —but on the matter of what the economy will look like in the short-term future, Americans are optimistic. CNBC recently released the results of a new survey asking Americans if they believe the economy will be better in the coming year. 42% of respondents said it would indeed be better; an incredible and unprecedented jump of 17% percentage points from last quarter (the highest increase in one quarter on record) and the highest total consumer optimism rating since 2009.
Party affiliation plays a roll in the switch to a large degree (although you can see even Democrats didn’t have much hope for the economy in October), but the increase in Independent voter confidence plays a significant roll in sending this one quarter increase into the stratosphere.
This news follows in the wake of a very busy president-elect, who has already been engaged with significant business interests in the U.S. and around the world encouraging them to invest in manufacturing and other job creating engines of industry within the country.
As we recently reported, the stock market has also been performing exceptionally well in the last few weeks, recovering from an initial fall during election night and then rising to all-time highs as businesses prepare to hire new employees in an effort to accommodate the expected increase in demand for products and services in the coming year.