The LA Times daily tracking poll, today, revealed continued forward momentum for Donald Trump as he heads toward the first of the presidential debates — in just 7 days. Trump’s lead in this particular poll has slowly increased over the last few weeks in the wake of continuing concerns over the wayward state of Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton’s health.
The continued upward trajectory for Trump in this survey may be indicative of the increased possibility for a Trump victory in the minds of voters. The LA Times itself led this with the headline, “Voters on both sides increasingly see a Trump win as a possibility — and that may get more people to vote;” and reports:
A week ago, 1 in 4 liberal Democrats thought Trump would win the election. That’s now risen to 1 in 3. Younger voters and those without a college education were also more likely to predict Trump as the winner.
What do you think? Has Trump turned the tide? Is there enough time for Clinton to turn it back using the debates before the election? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.