At ~11:45 Friday, Donald J. Trump became the 45th president of the United States of America. This event marked the culmination of a relatively ugly presidential contest between the billionaire Trump and career political machine Hillary R. Clinton; one which resulted in a vast array of narrative negativity — from allegations of criminal activity, Russian espionage, secret recordings of private conversations, racism, and even murder. We dare to hope that this negativity will remain in the past, and that today really is a new day in America; a day that perhaps signifies the beginning of the end of the political cronyism and parasitism plaguing our government for more than a century, and that president Trump might lead this nation toward a new and better way forward.
NY Times Video Coverage of the Inauguration:
The Donald wasted no time taking to social media in order to address the millions of followers and supporters who were instrumental in his meteoric (and extremely unlikely) rise to the Oval Office. He posted a picture of himself looking out the White House window, reflecting on the magnanimity of the events of the last few days, where he is, and who he must now become. His Facebook and Twitter messages seem to be aimed toward a general sense of American unity, reaching out to those who feel marginalized and ignored by the elitism and condescension of their government over the past 30 years. And maybe even attempting to rally the nation toward a dangerous common threat – like the reality of militant radical Islamic terrorism. How he intends to deal with this threat without effectively creating more Islamic terrorists in the process remains to be seen (i.e. “1.7 billion Muslims in the world, destroying a few of them [and just the violent radical ones] might make some of the rest really mad”), but he certainly seems to be aware that there is a growing potential for legitimate danger there.
A few of Donald’s most recent Facebook messages to the American people:
What did you think of the inauguration and of the new president of the United States? Do you feel optimistic, unsure, or perhaps a bit of irrational life-sucking despair? Let us know how you think the next four years will go on Facebook or in the comments below.