The Wikileaks email dump over the last several days has revealed quite a few details regarding the true thoughts and strategies of Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Theses revelations run the gamut from outright lying, to unethical favoritism in government, to breaking the law and beyond. In no particular order, here are some of the most important revelations so far:
1) Clinton Admits Lying About Her Policy Positions
In 2013, Clinton gave a speech before the National Multi-Housing Council in which she admitted telling the public one thing and her private investors another.
“Politics is like sausage being made,” Mrs. Clinton said. “It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the backroom discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”
2) Improper Relationship with the Media
Donna Brazile, a contributor at CNN as well as advisor to the Democratic National Committee, provided Clinton’s campaign with advanced notice of a CNN town hall question she thought might trip up Hillary. Hillary’s campaign bragged about how the New York Times was “teeing up” stories in favor of Clinton, and about how George Stephanopoulos (from ABC) was driving home talking points for them. The Boston Globe shilled for Clinton campaign during the primaries and CNBC’s John Harwood boasted to the campaign about intentionally harassing Donald Trump as moderator in a Republican primary debate.
3) North American Union: “A Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders.”
Clinton’s vision for the future of America looks a lot like a North American Union (similar to the EU). In a paid speech to Brazilian Banco Itau in 2013 she said the following:
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that’s as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”
4) Communication and Collusion with the DOJ over Emails.
Clinton’s spokesman and former Justice Department staffer, Brian Fallon, appeared to be communicating with sources inside the DOJ regarding an open records lawsuit requesting access to Hillary’s emails while serving as Secretary of State.
5) Unethical Government Favoritism: Special Attention to “Friends of Bill.”
Following the devastating Haitian earthquake of 2010, a senior aide to Secretary Clinton consistently provided special privilege to those identified by the acronyms “FOB” (Friends of Bill) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs). Clinton’s State Department unethically prioritized Bill’s friends in the $10 billion recovery effort.
6) Clinton’s Advisors Had Tactical Discussions About Delaying Release of Her Emails — Knowing It Was Against the Law.
After the receipt of a subpoena, Clinton advisor Phillipe Reines tactically conjured excuses not to release all of Hillary’s emails. This amounts to what appears to be a flagrant effort on the part of Clinton and her campaign to delay the demands of a congressional subpoena — constituting an obstruction of justice. Reines’ wrote the following:
“Not flippantly, and maybe just from Nick’s [Merrill, Clinton spokesman] mouth — but rather than going around on how to release the 55k let’s just be for what’s happening and use this as an excuse. Because we can say even if State has equities, not providing them would put her in legal jeopardy OR we can say happy for them to have it, happy for them to have them as soon as State is comfortable.”
7) State Department Tipped Off Clinton Regarding the Release of the Benghazi Emails.
In April 2015, Deputy Communications Director for Clinton’s campaign, Kristina Schake, referenced a “tip” from a State Department source regarding the planned release of Hilary’s Benghazi emails. Clinton’s lawyer reacted to the information with these words:
“Latest: Still aiming for Friday, but potential it gets delayed until early next week because still moving through inter-agency review process. Will check back tomorrow and keep you posted. Quick update on this — DOS says the release of the 300 will likely happen on Thurs or Friday. Will keep you posted as I hear anything further on my end. Thx.”
8) Clinton Spokesman Mocks Christians as “Severely Backwards.”
Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri and other friends of Hillary openly discussed how Catholics are “severely backwards,” commenting that they don’t know “what the hell they’re talking about.” A discussion occurring in April of 2011 between Palmieri and John Halpin, a senior fellow at the (leftist) Center for American Progress, ridicules Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch for raising his children in the Catholic Church; commenting that the most “powerful elements” in the conservative movement are all Catholic.
9) Clinton Admits Disconnection from Middle Class
In 2014, Clinton gave a speech to Goldman Sachs in which she casually admitted her wealth and fame had effectively disconnected her from the financial situation of most of America:
“Obviously, I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy,” Mrs. Clinton said of relating to the middle class.
10) Clinton Campaign Used Benghazi to Distract from Email Scandal
Clinton’s campaign attempted to erase her email scandal during the Benghazi probe by conflating and confusing the two incidents. John Podesta instructed subordinates in March 2015 to divert the media’s attention from the email scandal to the House Benghazi investigation; believing it to be the least malignant of the two (it had already served up by media allies as a Republican witch hunt).
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